Is There A Difference Between Misdiagnosis & Delayed Diagnosis?

1 week ago

When you seek medical help, you rely on doctors to accurately determine what’s wrong using their skills and tools. Before…

Should You Speak with a Lawyer Before Talking to Your Insurance Company?

4 weeks ago

On paper, insurance companies are supposed to provide emergency relief when you are seriously and unexpectedly injured. That relief should…

Recognizing Signs of Elder Abuse

1 month ago

When an older relative reaches the point that they can no longer care for themself, a decision has to be…

Most Common Medical Misdiagnoses in New York

1 month ago

Misdiagnosis has reached almost epidemic proportions in the United States. According to a 2023 John Hopkins study, the error rate…

Is There Legal Recourse for Sports-Related Injuries?

2 months ago

Most sports are inherently dangerous, even if they aren’t contact sports. For example, there is no contact in tennis, but…

The Role Of Patient Records In Proving Medical Malpractice

2 months ago

Few things are as straightforward and significant in healthcare and legal issues as the role of patient records. These documents…

What Are the Most Common Types of Birth Injury?

2 months ago

While there are many types of birth injuries, some are more common than others. Sadly, they are often avoidable but…

Is a Delayed Cancer Diagnosis Grounds for Compensation?

2 months ago

Delayed diagnosis is among the most damaging types of medical malpractice. A late diagnosis can mean the difference between effective…

Who’s Liable When You Are Injured In An NYC Parking Garage?

2 months ago

Parking lots and garages are places where we often don't think twice about our safety, yet they are not immune…

Legal Recourse for Surgery Complications

2 months ago

Many surgeries are inherently risky procedures. Complications are not uncommon. However, not all complications are unavoidable. Medical errors leading to…