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Study Uncovers Troubling News About Malpractice Rates

Study Uncovers Troubling News About Malpractice Rates

It’s well known in the healthcare industry that physicians in some specialties face a greater risk of malpractice claims than others. An anesthesiologist or neurosurgeon is far more likely to face a malpractice claim than a general practitioner, for instance. According to study recently published by Stanford University, however, malpractice claims are concentrated in an even smaller pool of physicians than we once thought.

The study, which analyzed 66,426 claims paid against 54,099 doctors from 2005 to 2014, found that one percent of physicians are responsible for 32 percent of malpractice claims. This statistics suggests that members of this small group of repeat offenders are able to continue practicing in spite of their negligence or lack of proper training.

Some of these repeat offenders move their practice or switch insurers in an attempt to fly under the radar. “We have a kind of national all-encompassing window, so we should be able to track the doctors wherever they go,” said chief author of the study David Studdert in regards to the issue.

The study raises some important questions as to how to identify repeat malpractice offenders, and whether or not the healthcare industry should invest in their improvement. “There’s still a questions mark over whether interventions such as peer coaching, supervision, placing conditions on practice and so forth are really capable of returning high-risk physicians to safe practice,” said Studdert.

At the very least, patients should have a way to search for previous medical malpractice claims against their physicians, regardless of whether or not they’ve moved or changed insurers. It’s a frightening gap in information that is sure to inflict further pain and suffering on patients in the future.

If you’ve been the victim of medical malpractice, you’re not alone. Give us a call today, and let the attorneys at Ask 4 SAM work for you to help you get the compensation you deserve.