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Bronx Truck Accident Lawyers

Drivers of small sedans and other passenger vehicles have little chance of escaping an accident with a large truck unscathed. There are many factors that contribute to truck accidents—but regardless of the cause, victims almost always sustain severe injuries. It is critical that all accident victims understand that when an accident is caused by the negligent actions of others, they can hold the negligent party liable for paying compensation. Filing a truck accident claim is not always easy, though. If you’ve been hurt in a crash speak with an experienced Bronx truck accident lawyer from Silberstein, Awad & Miklos today. We can help you recover the full damages available.

What is a Large Truck in the Bronx?

Many people first think of 18-wheelers and huge tractor-trailers when they think of truck accidents. It is true that these types of vehicles are commonly involved in truck accidents, and drivers in the Bronx come across them every day. However, there are other types of large trucks involved in truck accident claims as well, including:

  • Sanitation vehicles: Sanitation vehicles, such as those used to collect garbage and recycling, are often involved in collisions. Sometimes, this is due to operator negligence, while other times the trucks are so poorly maintained they should not have even been on the roads.
  • Delivery trucks: Delivery trucks are often very boxy, and it is sometimes difficult for drivers to see around them and in their blind spots. Still, drivers of delivery trucks have the same responsibility to keep everyone else on the road safe.
  • Dump trucks: There is often a flurry of construction activity around the Bronx, and those sites often rely on the use of dump trucks to move construction items around. Dump trucks are at particular risk of rolling over, particularly when the box is elevated.
  • Moving trucks: It is not uncommon for Bronx residents to use U-Hauls and other moving trucks when they relocate from one home to another. Unfortunately, these trucks are driven by people that are not accustomed to operating such large vehicles, which can easily result in an accident.

Being hit by one of the above trucks can cause injuries just as serious as those caused by tractor-trailers.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents occur for a variety of reasons, typically the result of someone’s negligence. The most common causes of truck accidents include:

  • Impaired driving: Truckers often use alcohol or drugs while they are behind the wheel because they believe these substances will help them stay awake. Unfortunately, that is not the case and can impair a driver, resulting in a crash.
  • Distracted driver: Truck drivers are no more immune to using their phone than other drivers, but they face other distractions, as well. Truckers often eat and drink while they are on the road, and they also have to manage the various functions on a truck to operate it safely, which can cause a distraction.
  • Refusal to yield: Truckers sometimes do not give other motorists the respect they deserve on the road, thinking that smaller vehicles will simply move out of the way. When truckers refuse to yield or do not give other drivers the space they need, it can easily result in a crash.
  • Speeding: For many drivers, speeding may seem like a minor traffic infraction. When truck drivers speed though, it takes them longer to slow the truck down and come to a full stop. When there is not enough stopping distance due to a truck’s speed, it can cause an accident.
  • Defective trucks: Not all trucks on the road are properly maintained or repaired. When any part of a truck is defective, such as the tires or braking system, it will likely result in an accident.

The above are just a few of the most common causes of truck accidents. A Bronx truck accident lawyer will determine the cause of a crash to determine which party to hold liable.

How Truck Accidents Differ from Car Accidents

It is natural to think that truck accidents are the same as other car accidents, but these two types of crashes differ vastly from each other. These differences include:

  • The nature of trucks: Trucks are much larger and much heavier than other vehicles, so the injuries that result are much more serious.
  • Determining liability: When an accident occurs between two vehicles, liability typically lies with one of the drivers. A number of parties could be liable for a truck accident, including the truck driver, the trucking company, the inspection or maintenance company, the loading company, or even a government entity.
  • Federal and state laws: Car accidents are typically only governed by state law. The trucking industry though is heavily regulated by state and federal laws, so it is important to work with a lawyer who is familiar with all of them.

After a truck accident, the trucking company will also likely conduct an investigation immediately, unlike motorists of smaller cars. It is important to work with a Bronx truck accident lawyer who will know how to conduct an investigation and obtain evidence from the trucking company, which is also very difficult.

Truck Accidents and New York’s No-Fault Insurance Laws

Due to New York’s no-fault auto insurance laws, you will likely have to go through your own insurance company to claim damages after a truck accident. This coverage is not usually enough to fully cover the cost of injuries after a crash, however. If the limits of your insurance policy do not fully cover the cost of your injury or you have suffered a debilitating and permanent injury, you can then file a claim against the liable party or their insurance company.

Get Legal Help Today

If you or someone you love has been injured in a crash, call our Bronx truck accident lawyers at Silberstein, Awad & Miklos, P.C. today. Our attorneys have the necessary experience to recover the full damages you deserve, and we want to put that experience to work for you. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.