
A proven record

Our firm has achieved numerous million and multimillion dollar verdicts and settlements. We often take cases that other firms have refused and win.

How Does Informed Consent Affect a Medical Malpractice Suit?

In New York, patients must give their consent to medical procedures prior to the commencement of the procedure. If a healthcare professional fails to obtain this consent, they could be looking at serious legal liability. In fact, informed consent issues are what underlie many medical malpractice cases in New York. But what exactly is informed Continue Readi...

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Can You Sue for Being Denied Medical Treatment?

New York State guarantees medical treatment for patients, but not absolutely. There are numerous exceptions that allow healthcare providers to deny a patient medical treatment. Unfortunately, care is often denied when it should not have been, which leads to patient suffering and death. In these cases, you can sue medical providers for failing to provide Continue Reading...

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Do You Need a Lawyer to Sue for Medical Malpractice in New York?

Medical malpractice is among the most damaging actions a healthcare provider can commit. It not only causes injuries and death but also damages the trust the public places in healthcare professionals. Fortunately, victims of malpractice can seek compensation for their losses, but can they do so without a lawyer in New York? The answer to Continue Readin...

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67-year-old man died, 3 passengers injured in a car crash in Queens

Queens, NYC – A tragic incident occurred where a grandfather lost his life while unloading groceries from his car with his wife and two grandchildren inside at the intersection of 73rd Avenue and 260th Street. According to witnesses, a 39-year-old driver struck the family’s car, causing it to collide with another parked vehicle and trapping C...

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Behind the Wheel: Safety Tips Every New Yorker Must Know

New York City, with its bustling streets, vibrant neighborhoods, and iconic landmarks, offers a unique driving experience like no other. But driving in the city that never sleeps comes with its own set of challenges. To help you navigate the city streets safely, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide of essential safety tips every New Yorker Continue Readin...

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Jogger killed, 2 others injured after minivan crash in Commack

Long Island, NYC – A tragic incident occurred in Commack, Suffolk County, resulting in the death of a 22-year-old woman who was jogging alongside her two brothers. The three siblings were jogging single-file on the northbound shoulder of Harned Road, near Donna Court, when a 2022 Chrysler Voyager struck them. The eldest of the three Continue Reading..

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