
Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents in NYC

Running a quick errand in New York City can end up becoming a nightmare if a motor vehicle hits you while you’re trying to cross a street. Pedestrian accidents are not uncommon in a city as busy as NYC. Each week, an average of 13 pedestrians are injured in the city.
If a motor vehicle hit you and you suffered injuries, you can file a claim and get compensation for the losses you’ve sustained. Learn more about the most common causes of pedestrian accidents in New York City and how a lawyer can help.
What Causes Pedestrian Accidents in NYC?
Pedestrian accidents can occur for many reasons in New York City, but most of the time, driver error is to blame.
Distracted Driving
Distracted driving is a problem throughout the country. In 2022, 3,308 people across the United States died because of distracted driving. Operating a vehicle while doing anything else is dangerous for the person behind the wheel and for everyone else on the road. Some of the most common distractions include:
- Cell phone use
- Eating or drinking
- Performing grooming tasks
- Changing the radio station
- Checking the GPS
- Speaking with passengers
Although distracted driving is dangerous in all situations, it’s especially true in cities like NYC. Someone who’s texting while driving won’t notice the light has changed or a pedestrian has started walking through a crosswalk.
Aggressive Driving
Aggressive driving refers to someone operating a vehicle without regard for the safety of everyone else on the road. They may race other cars, tailgate, and run red lights. All of these behaviors can be deadly for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians.
Intoxicated Driving
It’s illegal to drive a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration level greater than 0.08%, but most people don’t realize that having just one drink can make someone more dangerous behind the wheel. That’s because being under the influence of drugs or alcohol impacts reflexes and coordination levels.
The driver may not react in time to hazards that appear on the road, or they may not realize they’re drifting onto sidewalks or into other lanes. They might even fall asleep behind the wheel.
In NYC, there are strict speed limits that all drivers have to follow to keep the city as safe as possible for everyone. Despite the danger of speeding in a congested city, it’s a serious problem.
Someone who’s driving faster than the posted speed limit or faster than road and weather conditions allow will have a much harder time stopping if an unexpected hazard suddenly appears. The force behind a speeding car will also be more likely to cause catastrophic injuries, especially to pedestrians.
Failure to Yield
When vehicles fail to respect a pedestrian’s right-of-way, accidents can be deadly. Drivers may not stop at crosswalks when someone’s on it or could run a light that allows people to cross a street. When pedestrians are present, drivers have to operate their vehicles with care, and that means yielding as necessary.
How Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help
After suffering an injury in a pedestrian accident, you have the option of filing a personal injury claim. That’s never something you want to do on your own, however. You may be dealing with significant injuries, including fractures or brain injuries, and that can make the process of gathering evidence much more difficult.
You will also have to negotiate with insurance companies. Insurers have one goal: to pay you as little as they can get away with. They’ll try any tactics they can to achieve this, including pushing you to accept low offers. With a lawyer helping you, however, you have a better chance of receiving fair compensation.
If negotiations aren’t progressing or insurers dispute the claim, having a lawyer gives you the chance to take your lawsuit to court. You never want to go into a court proceeding without representation.
Importantly, a pedestrian accident lawyer offers support throughout the claims process. You will be dealing with injuries and could be experiencing emotional distress. You need to have some support available. Your lawyer can offer guidance and encouragement, which helps to make the process a bit easier.
Get Help From Tenacious Pedestrian Accident Lawyers
If you’ve suffered injuries because a vehicle hit you while you were walking, you may be entitled to file a claim and get compensation. At Silberstein, Awad & Miklos, our team of experienced pedestrian accident lawyers can help you get the compensation you deserve.
Call us to schedule a free consultation with one of our New York personal injury lawyers.