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Long Island Stroke Malpractice Lawyer

Stroke is a common cause of death or the cause of long-term disability for thousands of Americans each year. As such, medical providers should carefully examine individuals for signs of stroke and take immediate steps to prevent strokes from occurring. Instead, however, they often rush through exams, disregard symptoms that patients report, and cause patients to suffer strokes. When a doctor causes you injuries that could have been prevented, you could file a lawsuit for your injury. The Long Island stroke malpractice lawyers at Silberstein, Awad & Miklos, P.C. have 35 years of experience in medical malpractice claims and could dedicate their time, resources, and energy to pursuing compensation on your behalf.

Since stroke malpractice cases necessitate a clear understanding of strokes and the proper treatment for them, our lawyers work with a team of medical experts to form the medical basis for your case in court. An experienced medical malpractice attorney help gather evidence based on medical records to help claim the damages you deserve. We are ready to support your case from its initial filing to its conclusion, whether that is a settlement or trial award. Contact us today to learn about your legal rights and options.

What are Strokes?

Individuals suffer strokes when the oxygen supply to the brain is cut off or substantially reduced in some way. One common type of stroke is an ischemic stroke, which may occur when an obstruction, such as a blood clot, cuts off the oxygen supply to the brain. A hemorrhagic stroke may occur when broken blood vessels cause blood to leak into the brain.

In some cases, medical providers or doctors may fail to recognize the signs and symptoms indicating that patients are having strokes. Some of the common symptoms of an oncoming stroke include the following:

  • Numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg, often on one side of the body
  • Confusion
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Sudden vision impairment, dizziness, and loss of balance
  • Severe headache
  • Pins and needles or reduced sensation of touch
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty swallowing

When these symptoms are present, emergency room personnel or other medical professionals should immediately take steps to diagnose and treat a potential stroke. This may involve ordering appropriate diagnostic studies and administering blood thinners, anti-coagulation medications, or clot-busting drugs. When medical providers fail to take these steps, treatment can be significantly delayed and the side effects of the stroke can worsen and become permanent. Contact a skilled Long Island stroke malpractice lawyer to begin discussing possible legal options.

Causes and Effects of Stroke Malpractice in Long Island

Medical malpractice may occur in different ways for stroke victims. Physicians may:

  • Misdiagnose the condition altogether
  • Perform unnecessary surgical procedures that may lead to complications
  • Dismiss the symptoms and fail to adequately diagnose a stroke
  • Delay necessary treatment by doing any of the above

Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) or “mini-strokes” are a strong indicator that individuals may soon suffer from a stroke. To avoid a stroke or prevent further brain damage from occurring, medical providers must accurately diagnosis TIAs and take immediate action. Doing so will counteract potentially massive strokes that can cause substantial and permanent damage to individuals.

When individuals suffer significant damages after medical providers have failed to properly treat them for an impending stroke, they should consult with a Long Island stroke malpractice attorney.

The results of a massive stroke can be devastating, both for stroke victims and their families. A stroke may leave individuals fully or partially paralyzed, brain damaged, unable to work, and perhaps even unable to care for their daily personal needs. The costs of treating a stroke are can be extremely costly and likely to be long-term, which can put a large financial burden on any family.

Consulting a Long Island Stroke Malpractice Attorney

The lawyers at Silberstein, Awad & Miklos, P.C. are prepared to handle all the details of your case and take the burden off you while you recover. Our Long Island stroke malpractice lawyers can work to build a strong basis for your claim by working with medical experts and using the law to support your case.

Our attorneys are available to discuss your case in-person, by phone, or by email. Obtaining compensation to pay for necessary medical care and other losses may be possible with the help of our top-rated lawyers. Reach out today to learn more about building a robust case against the doctors and medical staff who harmed you.