
A proven record

Our firm has achieved numerous million and multimillion dollar verdicts and settlements. We often take cases that other firms have refused and win.

Improving Conversations between Patients and Doctors

In order for a medical encounter to be successful there must be effective communication back and forth between doctor and patient.  Success being determined by the relationship that the doctor creates with the patient and the patient’s knowledge of their condition based on the information given.  One thing that medical professionals should continue to strive Continue Reading

The Symptoms and Signs of Cancer

When you look at what so many people do to fight the war against cancer, it’s easy to gain faith in humanity. We work together, running, walking, biking, or whatever. We work hard to raise money to fight the only true villain in this world. We do this, so that families and patients after us Continue Reading..

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4 Ways to Avoid Medical Malpractice Litigation

According to Forbes, over $3 Billion in payouts were awarded to winners of medical malpractice cases. Some large and some small, it evens out to be a little over 1 payout per hour! While these statistics might be good for the patients, they don’t look great for those in the medical industry. While you can Continue Reading..

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Common Mistakes That Doctors Make

Even the very best doctors can make a mistake here and there.  There are medical mistakes that are more common than others that can lead to major issues down the road for their patients. Here is a list of some of the most common mistakes that doctors make. Misdiagnosis – this is one of the Continue Reading..

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Recognizing the Signs of a Stroke

For natural reasons, as a result of surgery, or because of side effects of medication, humans can experience a stroke, which is an interruption in blood flow to the brain. When your brain doesn’t get enough blood, it loses oxygen and food, and depending on the severity of the stroke, it can die within just Continue Reading..

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What You Should Know About Medical Malpractice

  When you are represented by Silberstein, Awad & Miklos, P.C., you are working with professionals that know that medical malpractice field inside and out. However, as our client, we also want you to be informed. Here are some things that you should know about medical malpractice. Medical malpractice means that your healthcare provider or Continue Reading..

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