
Drug Error

Medical Malpractice & Prescription Medications

Medical malpractice is commonly associated with missed diagnoses and improper surgical procedures. A reason for this may be because of the severity connected with both. Though that may be true, receiving the wrong medication can put you or a loved one at significant risk.  Prescribing medicine can be an art as much as it is Continue Reading..

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Medication Errors During Surgery: What Patients Can Do to Prevent Them

A study conducted in 2015 at Massachusetts General Hospital showed that medication errors occur in approximately half of all surgeries. Although the study is a few years old, the sad fact is that things are not that much different here in New York City today. Many people think medication errors during surgery are rare and

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Name-Brand Drugs Could Cost Medicare Millions

Preference for Name-Brand Drugs Could Cost Medicare Millions

Hey U.S. government, here’s some money-saving news to keep on your radar. Recently, researchers at the University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center revealed a study that showed eye care providers prescribe more name-brand medications by volume than any other group. It’s a discovery that could have nationwide implications, considering eye care providers contribute around $2.4

Preference for Name-Brand Drugs Could Cost Medicare Millions Read More »

detecting heart disease attorney

Study Finds Doctors Often Miss Early Signs of Heart Disease

If you diligently visit your doctor every year and have an annual physical done, you may not be all that concerned about the possibility of heart disease affecting you, provided your doctor hasn’t mentioned it in the past. After all, if you doctor hasn’t raised concerns about heart disease, then why worry? But according to

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cough medicine bottle with poured dose on counter

Study Finds Parents Are Prone to Making Medication Errors

Medication errors are some of the most common causes of medical malpractice lawsuits against doctors and healthcare providers. In some cases, a doctor might accidentally prescribe a dangerously-high dose to a patient. In others, they might prescribe the wrong medication altogether. But doctors are not the only ones who can make medication errors. Recently, a

Study Finds Parents Are Prone to Making Medication Errors Read More »